I am HAPPIEST when…

I am HAPPIEST when…

I am making someone else happy.

I am with family and friends.

I am painting or taking photos.

I am laughing.

I am dancing.

I am writing.

I am doing yoga.

Writing out a short list of things that make me happy makes one thing very clear…these are not things.  I can’t think of one actual material item that makes me happier than any of the actions above.  The sum of happiness is not measurable through the possessions for self but through self-possession.  This week I -plan to do all of these at least once a day.

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Be Happy

Continue reading

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Ceci n’est pas une pipe

Is what we think what really is?  If we haven’t tried to think about what is, isn’t or what could be then  we’re not  thinking at all.  How can we gain a new perspective if we have no consciousness over our own interpretations?   Expanding thought  requires multiple dimensions of thought. Think about it =)

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What a weak week beginning.  I got sent home for being sick and then vegged out on the couch all day. Lame.  I planne dout my diet and work out schedule for the next few weeks.  Good news is, I did not smoke today!  Which is only one day down =/


Tonight I will do some yoga and take a nice long bath with my kindle.  Downloading a new book (which now puts me in the middle of three books at the same time).  Revamp tomorrow and really get this thing going!!! 🙂

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Happy Easter

Today could not have been better if I had elaborately planned it to be so.  Spending a beautiful Easter Sunday at the zoo with great friends and my camera lead to some outstanding photo ops.  I fell in love with this sleepy gorilla who was napping right by the window.  I couldn’t stop staring at his thoughtful eyes and wondering if he wondered about me.  He peered straight through my lens.  I will definitely be back for more photos of him.  I realized today how much I truly love taking photos and will be looking into studying it pretty intently this year.  I other photographers work daily and am in awe at their abilities to capture more than what is just seen.  I can’t wait to get a photo like that one day.

As for week two, I will be kicking up the six weeks of change a notch.  I am going to start biking this week and challenging myself to never pick up another cigarrette and and go through a pretty tought cleans.  So a lot of physical challenges that will probably become mental challenges half way through.  I aim to wake up and go to sleep every day with yoga to try and ease some of the inevidable tension from all of the deprivasion .  Fingers crossed  I get through it smoothly!

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Oops! Try try again

ImageWell today was a day unsuccessful. Caught up in the asinine antics of those who think they are entitled to speak down upon others in the office, I definitely lost track of any participation in bettering myself.  I think I’ll pick up where I left off in the morning.  Another goal of mine….. do not get caught up in the emotional reactions of others.  Im thinking it links back to that control thing I love so much.

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A Perspective on Prismatic Purposes

My first day of cognizance began in typical Monday style.  I woke up late and in my morning sprint, forgot my ID cards, medication and lost my keys three times within an hour.   Supplementing my much needed nourishment with a horrific fat saturated fast-food breakfast and sugar free red bull, I pushed the sound barrier the rest of the way to work.  My hands shook from nicotine deprivation and caffeine over-load as I swung into the last available parking spot. I sighed in irritation and grabbed my cluttered bag of daily necessities.  As I fumbled to keep the hurricane gusts of wind from tearing away my hat I stopped and stared across the parking lot.  In, what might have been, an overly analytical or corny nostalgic moment, I stared at the most awkwardly placed rainbow and brought myself back to awareness.  The skies were draped with low threatening clouds that turned the air grey.   In the smallest corner of the nearest peak, a spot of light presented itself through the overcast as a stage for  the ray of kaleidoscopic color that was so close it seemed tangible.  I quickly snapped a photo of the prismatic presentation and contemplated the peculiarity of its location.  It instantly queued my thoughts back into the direction of consciousness. Within minutes of sitting down with my grenade shaped coffee mug in hand, the frustrations of office antics   seeped into my epidermis.  Very aware of my instant aggravation, I kept the rainbow in mind while I Googled my way to an article that calmed my malicious thoughts towards the office. The main points of focus in Elizabeth Scott’s article Cognitive Restructuring for Stress Relief were these:



Cut Down On the ‘Shoulds’

Focus on the Positive

Stay In the Here and Now

 Thrown back again to the Zen-like process of being present, I applied these concepts to my current moment of anguish and relaxed the white knuckle grip around the handle of my mug.  I lost myself shortly in the procession of thoughts that invaded my concentration. The concept of self-awareness is nothing new to the world of philosophy. It makes me wonder when the first man was aware for the first time of his own existence.  Was it looking up at the celestial wonders above and aligning himself or herself within the cosmic pecking order?  Was it the first time man took tools to stone a created art? Possibly when our species stumbled over fire or the concept of the wheel? Personally I can clearly remember my strange childhood of day dreams that had me contemplating, at seven years old, the concept of eternity while on the swing in my backyard.  I would close my eyes and wonder why I could feel movement when I could not see it. Why did it feel different when I closed my eyes and accelerated through space without sight than when my eyes were open? I had that very same feeling, in the pit of my stomach, when I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the end of eternity. Those thoughts only later progressed to the concepts of religion, god and physics.  Awareness has never been a challenging concept but a very complex one as I later learned to connect awareness on both micro and macro levels of conceptual thought.

The idea of control is one I have always cherished.  I am, what some may call, a control freak.  So what if I hate surprises and can’t stand other people’s rules and idiotic authoritative attitudes? Does it really make me a control freak if I grew up refusing to organize my sock drawer (even though I secretly loved it to be organized) because my mother told me to? Or if I got in trouble during math class because I wanted to formulate the laws of mathematics to my own liking? Yes.  Yes it does.  Control is a double edge sword in the world of conscious thinking. Some people tend to not realize whether they have control or maybe they simply do not care.  Either way they seem to be much more tolerant to everything than someone like me.  One of my goals in these six weeks of change is to adjust my thoughts about control to balance my emotional responses to situations like this morning’s office procedures.  Parallel to the concepts of control is the idea of “shoulds”. We have more choice in every day decisions than we sometimes realize. “The truth is”, Ms. Scott states, “We do things because we want to”.  This is a small glimmer of light in my dark frustrations over control.  Instead of knowing that I should have organized that sock drawer I could have saved myself many parental lectures  and grief by realizing that I wanted to organize the sock drawer.  The different feelings between the should and the want are night and day.  I will figure out a way to apply this theme habitually through the next six weeks.

Focusing on the positive as well as the here and now is what I would like to implement into my daily routine as well. You can imagine that the seven year old child on a swing who engaged in notions of mortality and eternity might not have grown up to be the most optimistic in attitude. Connecting with the here and now might make it easier to wear the rosy shades. I have had my moments of enjoying the aerodynamic effects of sticking my hand out of the car window or savoring the bursting sensation in my chest when connecting with music or thinking of loved ones.  Is it possible to make that feeling a constant one or is that along the same lines as wishing for world peace and the perfect body?

The room for improvement is great and the possibilities, limitless.  I’m sure that within the next forty-two days that my attentions will branch out to more specific goals towards change.   Tonight I will begin outlining the next six weeks and record whatever random thoughts I may or may not later be able to link to this process.

“It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.” Helen Keller

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Week One


A collection of thoughts, inspirations, photos, creations and anything else that comes to mind during six weeks of contemplation.



2 April 2012

Most recently, in a dream of mine, I sat quietly sifting through sand with my bare hands.  Nothing surrounded me and the sun rested somewhere above the clouds. I filtered for something uncertain; an item perhaps or some meaning in the sand.  So closely I concentrated on the grains quickly slipping one by one through my fingers and pouring out abundantly past my palms.   The clouds grew weary of my search and poured their grief upon the sand.  As my gritty quest grew heavy with each drop of rain, so did my spirits.  Soon my search became impossible as the dusty earth became vibrant terrain. Having given up, I stood and stretched my feet into the ground. They made a small whisper of a sound as the dark soil embraced each of my toes.  Its silky warmth comforted my skin.  Its smell was deep and robust. The fresh earth softened the air and made it taste sweet.   I looked up at the hidden sun, smiled and laughed at nothing in particular.-Andi, 2/4/2012

Not everyone is blessed with consciousness.  Many sleep through their lives, happily ignorant and devoid of meaningful presence. In small moments of awareness, I find myself worrying about the seconds I have wasted sifting sand.  I want my cognizance to be constant.  With this, I dedicate six weeks to the purpose of change.  I will record these six weeks, not with the intent of advertising my very intimate thoughts or personal views, but to concentrate and form an unconscious effort over time in remaining conscious.  Stripped of whatever distraction I can rid myself of, I will set out to push both my physical and mental  limits. 

If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world. “ -Sri Chinmoy





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